I’m sharing a post written by my friend, Mari-An Santos, about her first Romanian Easter.

pinoy erasmus mundus

Our Europe correspondent, Mari-An C. Santos, tells us about her first Easter in Romania.

Romania is composed largely of adherents to the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is interesting to see so many churches in both cities and small villages with the uniquely Orthodox elements and Christian icons.

Many Romanian Orthodox faithful observe post, or a fast for 40 days during the Lenten season. In this period, they abstain from eating any meats or animal by-products, in some areas, this means that they do not eat eggs either.

This past Easter, I was blessed with the opportunity to spend the Easter holidays in the most traditional part of Romania, Moldova in the northeast, near the border with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. This year, the Easter celebration was a week after our own Catholic observance. I traveled with a friend from Pakistan, a friend from Czech Republic, and…

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